Head of Department


Department Overview

Department of Zoology, Rajbari Govt College started their journey of BSc (Hons) Degree in 1996 and launched Masters course in 1997. This Department is one of the renowned Zoology Departments under National University in Bangladesh because of its enriched Museum and Laboratory facilities. Late Professor Tejendra Kumar Chando was the founder of this Department and Enriched the museum and laboratory. Many eminent persons have contributed to the development of this Department most through their longtime services among them Professor Nuruzzaman, Professor Mahabubur Rahman, Professor Abdul Mozid, Assistant Professor Muhammad Wahiduzzaman, Assistant Professor Md Arifur Rahman, Assistant Professor Abul Kalam are notable for their works. A special mention should be made of Lab Assistant Sudhir Kumar who has been devoted to the museum, lab and department for over 30 years.

Department News & Event

SL Title Date Download
1 সরকারি বেসরকারি কলেজের ২০২৪ সালের বাৎসরিক ছুটির তালিকা। 2024-05-23

Present Teachers List

1. ABUL KALAM Assistant Professor 2012-03-06
2. Md. Arifur Rahman Assistant Professor 2012-03-06
3. MOSAMMAD FAHMIDA NASRIN Assistant Professor 2014-10-20
4. AKLIMA KHATUN Demonstrator 2018-02-05

Syllabus List

SL Title File
1. সরকারি বেসরকারি কলেজের ২০২৪ সালের বাৎসরিক ছুটির তালিকা। Download
2. Hons and Masters Syllabus Download